Central Washington Tree Fruit Systems LTARE Site

a map with the location of the Wenatchee LTARE

Key Objectives

  1. Establish best practices and standard operating procedures for optimal soil health.
  2. Reduce variability in orchards with organic matter amendments or other soil health building practices.
  3. Reduce bitter pit and other disorders related to nutrient uptake and water/plant stress.
  4. Establish soil health practices which conserve water and buffer environmental stress in the face of climate change.
  5. Identify long-term sustainable approaches to managing soil borne disease and nematodes.

Cropping System and Region

Central Washington Tree Fruit Systems


WSU - Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center - Sunrise Farm in Wenatchee, Washington. 

Climate and Soil Type

Annual high temperature: 63 F

Annual low temperature: 42 F

Average annual precipitation: 9 in

Primary soil type: Pogue fine sandy loam




Three trials across 7.5 acres


Tianna DuPont - Tree Fruit Extension Specialist

Lee Kalcsits - Tree Fruit Physiologist

Tracy Somera - Plant Pathologist

Chad Kruger - TFREC Director

Devin Rippner - Soil Scientist

Jessica Waite - Geneticist

Cameron Burt - Orchard Manager


Tom Forge - Nematologist

Trial 1: Investigating Reduced Disturbance and Increased Organic Matter Additions


In the standard treatment, typical synthetic nutrients and herbicides are applied.


An infographic showing the characteristics of the standard treatment.

Mulch Additions

This treatment includes all typical synthetic nutrients and herbicides, but mulch is added every three years.

An infographic showing the characteristics of the mulch additions treatment.

Integrated Organic

This integrated treatment includes a tree row cover crop of forage peas, a pre-plant compost application, and alleyway cover and tree prunings mowed under the trees.

An infographic showing the characteristics of the integrated organic treatment.

High Carbon Additions

This treatment includes typical synthetic nutrient and herbicide applications, pre-plant compost, and alleyway cover and tree prunings mowed under the trees.

An infographic showing the characteristics of the high carbon treatment.

Soil Health In Orchards Resources

Watch videos about soil health