Making Soils Data Actionable Webinar Series

More soil tests and data are available to farmers than ever. While this can be empowering, it can also be confusing. New information on soil chemistry, biology, and physics can sometimes be difficult to translate into action. In this webinar series, we highlight projects across Washington that are using soil data to inform real, on-farm management decisions.  

If you’ve been hit with soil data overload, this is the series for you. Farmers, agricultural advisors, extension staff, and decision makers are welcome. Listen to learn how to take action on soil data and learn about available resources. 


Adam Peterson, Senior GIS and Science Specialist, Thurston Conservation District

Adam talks about how technical service providers can demystify soil test results and translate them into accessible and actionable recommendations for on-farm nutrient management. Using Thurston Conservation District’s soil testing program as an example, Adam shares share efficient strategies for interpreting a large volume of tests while accounting for farm scale, fertilizer preferences, and crop-specific needs. 



Soil Test Interpretation Guide (EC 1478), OSU

Soil Testing: A Guide for Farms with Diverse Vegetable Crops (EM050E), WSU

Nutrient Management for Sustainable Vegetable Cropping Systems in Western Oregon (EM 9165), OSU

The Nature and Properties of Soil

Estimating Plant-Available Nitrogen Release from Cover Crops (PNW 636), OSU/PNW Extension

Find more information about the Thurston Conservation District



Troy Peters, Professor, Department of Biological Systems Engineering, Washington State University

In this grower-focused webinar, Troy discusses the importance of soil moisture data and the advantages and disadvantages of different types of soil moisture sensors. Troy explains more about how to interpret and use soil moisture sensor data to maximize profitable irrigation water management. 



Web Soil Survey

Practical Use of Soil Moisture Sensors for Irrigation Scheduling

Soil Health Report Generator

Jadey Ryan, Data Scientist, Washington State Department of Agriculture

This webinar is a demo of the {soils} R package, designed for comprehensive soil health data visualization and reporting. See how we use R and Quarto to create customized, interactive reports to empower each participant in the State of the Soils Assessment to explore and understand their soil data. The {soils} package can be found here.



Presentation Slides (PDF)

SOS interactive map

Adam’s Making Soils Data Actionable recording

SOS update blog post

20-min talk Parameterized Quarto reports improve understanding of soil health at posit::conf(2023)

{soils} package website


RStudio Education: different starting points to begin learning R

R for Data Science (2ed): book by Wickham et al. (2023) 


Get Started with Quarto: intro and tutorial

FAQ RMarkdown to Quarto: for Rmarkdown users

20-min technical talk: Parameterized soil health reports with Quarto

Intermediate Quarto Workshop: Parameterized reports with Quarto


{soils} package website: package documentation & tutorials

GitHub repository: source code and files

WaSHI blog post about {soils}

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