
Updates on STAR: Program launch, future trainings, and a bright future ahead

The STAR conservation program launches for grain & legume producers in March and tree fruit producers in April, with more cropping systems to follow.

March 10, 2025

Author: Lauren Quackenbush

This month we are excited to announce the launch of Washington’s new conservation assessment, planning, and incentive tool, Saving Tomorrow’s Agriculture Resources (STAR). The STAR tool is free, easy-to-use, crop-specific, and developed in partnership with Washington farmers, agricultural researchers, and conservation district staff. Over the last two years, partners have worked to ensure that the STAR assessment and planning tool are locally relevant and rooted in the best available science. The goal of STAR is to connect producers to technical and financial resources along their conservation journey.

Calling all grain and legume producers: Sign up March 17!

This month, we launch STAR for grain and legume producers throughout the state. In April, STAR launches for tree fruit producers. In the following months, we will open the program for producers of hops, grapes, diversified vegetables, small berries, hay, and root crops. Stay tuned for future release dates.

The first 100 producers to enroll in STAR are eligible to receive a FREE soil health test. Visit to enroll beginning March 17.

Photo credit: Leslie Michel, WSDA
Photo credit: Leslie Michel, WSDA

Interested in using STAR on your operation or with the growers you support?

WSDA is offering a series of FREE statewide trainings on how to use the STAR tool. Farmers, conservation district staff, and other interested parties are encouraged to attend. Trainings will cover how to enroll, add fields, complete the assessment, plan your next season, and access the STAR resource library.

Our first hybrid training will take place virtually and in-person at the Spokane Conservation District on March 20th. Register for the event here:


To stay informed of STAR launches for other cropping systems, sign up for our newsletter at:

Lauren Quackenbush is the Soil Health Economic Development Coordinator at WSDA, managing the STAR program to foster connections between farmers, ranchers, and industry groups.

This article was published by the Washington Soil Health Initiative. For more information, visit To have these posts delivered straight to your inbox, subscribe to the WaSHI newsletter. To find a soil science technical service provider, visit the Washington State University Extension website or the Washington State Conservation District website.