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Report Published: Impact of Climate-Smart Management Proviso Funding in Washington

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During the 2023-25 biennium, one-time funding of $30 million from the Climate Investment Account was…

Updates on STAR: Program launch, future trainings, and a bright future ahead

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This month we are excited to announce the launch of Washington’s new conservation assessment, planning,…

WSDA Releases Climate Resilience Plan for Washington Agriculture

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Climate change creates new challenges for Washington agriculture, including extreme weather, wildfires, flooding, increased pest…

Ask a Soil Scientist: Liming and Basalt

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For our first Ask a Soil Scientist blog post, WSDA Agronomist Adam Peterson speaks with…

Soil Health Ambassador: Anthony Reyes – Cover Cropping for Sustainable Agriculture


Anthony is the Agriculture Program Manager at Oxbow Farm and Conservation Center in Snoqualmie Valley…

a map of washington with text.

Sustainable Farms and Fields – Two years In


Sustainable Farms and Fields, a still relatively new program of the Washington State Conservation Commission…

Irrigation in a potato field.

How the State Climate Resilience Strategy Supports Agricultural Viability


The Washington State Climate Resilience Strategy has officially been released, replacing the 2012 version with…

a person kneeling in a field.

Soil Health Ambassador: Mallonee Family Farms – Diverse Pasture Plantings


Just south of the tiny town of Curtis, WA, Maynard Mallonee and his son Jack…

a map of the ltare site network.

Six sites, six unique soils, and sixteen crops


The WaSHI LTARE site network translates vital, long-term research into soil health practices across Washington’s diverse agricultural regions.

pumpkins in a field.

Locally produced soil amendments: using biochar on the San Juan Islands

Farmers often apply soil amendments like fertilizer or compost to improve their soil fertility and soil health. However, many times the soil amendments must travel many miles to the field.