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a drone with people standing in the background.

New precision agriculture technologies explained through Sustainable Farms and Fields Program


Tackling soil acidification, nitrogen deficiencies, and precision drone use in dryland regions in a recent field day

a person standing over a bin of dark compost.

Soil Health Ambassador: Brier Patch Farm—Making Compost


Tyler of Brier Patch Farm finds composting a powerful tool for building soil health and a fun adventure in making his own.

A close up of a pile of black biochar.

Biochar: In a library of information, how can farmers flip through the index?

The Pacific Northwest Biochar Atlas was developed in 2017 to help bridge the gap between discovery and deployment of biochar knowledge. The site contains basic biochar information, case studies, and a directory of local biochar producers. It also has a tool that compares the properties of different biochars.

Wheat in a field.

Reaching for the stars: one year into Washington’s Saving Tomorrow’s Agriculture Resources Program


In its first year Washington’s Saving Tomorrow’s Agriculture Resources (STAR) program has taken considerable steps towards creating a conservation assessment tool and related incentives, tailored to Washington agriculture and connected to scientifically-grounded environmental outcomes.

Sustainable Farms and Fields: Incentivizing Climate-Smart Practices and Soil Health


This fiscal year marked our second year of Sustainable Farms and Fields ongoing funding, and 25 projects were awarded to 16 conservation districts totaling $1.3 million. These projects are scheduled to wrap up soon and a full accounting will be provided in the SFF annual report this fall.

Soil Health Ambassador: Casey Vetsch—Biochar in Orchards


Quality Assurance Specialist, Casey Vetsch has been working with apples and cherries for the past four years. Casey helps manage approximately 7000 acres of orchard in the Yakima Valley.

A burning need for liming amendments on the Palouse

David Gady, a 4th generation Washington farmer, grows bluegrass (lawn seed) in Rockford with his brother and father. In the early 2010s, David became a biochar innovator in the region when he built a gasifier to convert bluegrass straw and seed screenings into biochar and energy.

four people standing in an orchard

Grounding Long-Term Soil Health Tree Fruit Research in Stakeholder Needs


Recognizing the importance of addressing these challenges, stakeholders from across the industry joined forces to shape the Tree Fruit Soil Health Long-Term Agroecological Research and Extension (LTARE) site in Wenatchee, WA. Through surveys, focus groups, and workshops, their input guided the development of this innovative research site that will provide a space to ask soil management questions for many years.

a person standing in a farm field.

Introducing the new WaSHI Agronomist

Adam joins the Washington Soil Health Initiative to support growers in efficiently managing their fertilizer and irrigation. Adam’s efforts will help reduce nitrate leaching, improve growers’ cost savings, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Washington.

a gloved hand putting soil into a bag.

What do I do with my soil test results? Making Chemical Soils Data Actionable


Adam Peterson has been running the Thurston Conservation District (CD) soil testing program for almost four years now, but he was a user of its services long before that.

Over ten years ago, while studying agricultural science and eager to connect what he was learning about nutrient management and nutrient cycling with real-life results, he decided to test a few samples on his family’s farm to understand how past practices had influenced the soil on site.