Eastern Washington Wine Grape Systems LTARE Site

Key Objective
Evaluate and identify the influence of vineyard management practices on soil health and its impact on grape and wine quality
Cropping System and Region
Eastern Washington Wine Grape Systems
Climate and Soil Type
Annual high temperature: 65 F
Annual low temperature: 42 F
Average annual precipitation: 9 in
Primary soil type: Warden silt loam
WSU - Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center in Prosser, Washington
Four acres with five primary treatments
Devin Rippner - Soil Scientist, USDA-ARS
Liz Gillispie - Vineyard Manager, WSU
Troy Peters - Extension Irrigation Specialist, WSU
Michelle Moyer - Viticulture Extension Specialist, WSU
Markus Keller- Professor of Viticulture, WSU
Investigating cover cropping and organic matter additions