
Event Recordings and Resources

Day 1

Why should we invest in soil health?

Opening Video

WaSHI Overview

Fertilizer pricing: Implications for Farm Management

LightningTalks Round 1

Climate-Smart Ag & Healthy Soil from Agroecosystems that regenerate soil C

The role of soil organic matter in soil health: build, store it, and keep it there!

Cover crop economics

What does "feeding you microbes" mean?

Can we replace synthetic nitrogen with microbes?

SoilCon day 1 key takeaways

Day 2

Why should we invest in soil health?

Opening Video

Lightning Talks Round 2

Producer perspectives panel: cover cropping and residue management

Sustainable Farms and Fields Update

Cover Crop and Residue Management Scientific Roundtable

Lightning Talks Round 3

Resource Roundup

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Check out the SoilCon23 Resource Roundup