SoilCon: Tree Fruit

Crops: Tree Fruit

Date: February 27th, 2025

Time: 1:00 - 4:30 pm

Location: Confluence Technology Center, Wenatchee, WA

Cost: $25

Topics: Soil health in tree fruit systems, long-term soil health research, tools to mitigate tree stress, improve fruit quality, and mitigate replant disease.

Registration coming soon.


1:00 - 1:30What is tree fruit soil health? Where are we going?Tianna DuPont, Washington State University Extension
1:30 - 2:10Living soil. Nematodes, mycorrhizae and moreTom Forge, Summerland Research Center & Tracey Somera, USDA- Agricultural Research Service
2:10 - 2:25Soil health measurements activity — Measuring soil organic matterMolly McIlquham, Washington State University
2:35 - 2:50Break
2:50 - 3:15Practices that buffer environmental stress — Mulches and organic matter additionsKristin Hannam, Experiences from Summerland BC
3:15 - 3:45Whole orchard recyclingAmisha Peterson, University of California-Davis
3:45 - 4:00Standard operating procedures for using mustard meal to mitigate replant diseaseTianna DuPont, Washington State University Extension

Anyone attending this program who requires auxiliary aids or services, please contact Molly McIlquham at 360-610-7353 or [email protected]. Extension programs and employment are available to all without discrimination. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local Extension office.