LTARE Data Organization

Folders are organized into a hierarchical structure to clearly delineate project segments, improve searchability, and ensure reproducibility across time.

Folder Structure

There is a delicate balance between deep and shallow folder structures. If too shallow, too many files in one folder are difficult to search. If too deep, too many clicks are required to find a specific file.

Y:/NRAS/soil-health-initiative is the parent folder for all WaSHI content.

The state-of-the-soils subfolder uses date- (each year has its own subfolder) and categorical- based (dataset and documentation that span across years) folder structures.


Within each year subfolder, use sub-subfolders for planning, forms, data, and processes to maintain a reproducible workflow each year. See the 2023_sampling folder tree for an example:


Archive Folders

When too many drafts or versions clutter a subfolder, create a new folder with the naming convention of archive-folder-description. Place the old drafts there. Leave the most current, accurate file in the main folder.

For example, the most recent sample labels for each conservation district are listed in the top level completed-labels folder, and previous working drafts were moved to the archive-labels folder.
