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Soil health in washington vineyards.

Soil Health in Washington Vineyards

Tracking soil health over time is an integral component of good vineyard management. Learn how to get started building and sustaining soil health in your operation

a person walking through a field.

A Farmer’s Guide to Collecting Soil Samples

Read a farmer’s guide to collecting soil samples

two people in a field.

Small Grains soil acidification video series.

A series of three short videos featuring growers and local researchers explaining the challenges, symptoms, causes, and implications for farm management that are associated with soil pH decline

Two Man on the Field

WSDA Soil Health Standard Operating Procedures

This document outlines the procedures used for the state of the soils assessment and general soil testing at WSDA.

A leaflet with the text, three key elements of a food plan.

Tree Fruit Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition in Cropping Orchards in Central Washington

A strategy with five steps: comprehensive information on soil and plant nutrition to increase production in cropping orchards

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