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A leaflet with the text, three key elements of a food plan.

Tree Fruit Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition in Cropping Orchards in Central Washington

A strategy with five steps: comprehensive information on soil and plant nutrition to increase production in cropping orchards

High resiliency farming under irrigation what and why.

High Residue Farming Under Irrigation: What and Why (1 in a series of 5)

High Residue Farming” is an umbrella term for cropping systems in which less tillage is used in order to keep crop residue on the surface of a field

Soil activity impacts beneficial soil microorganisms.

Soil Acidity Impacts Beneficial Soil Microorganisms (Soil Acidification Series)

Beneficial soil microorganisms are also absolutely critical to soil fertility and plant nutrition, but soil acidification in the Pacific Northwest threatens their effectiveness

a video about understanding soil health tests.

How to Interpret Soil Tests

Dani Gelardi discusses how soil testing has changed over time—to become more comprehensive, but also more confusing!

Cover crops as a floor management strategy for pacific northwest vineyards.

Cover Crops as a Floor Management Strategy for Pacific Northwest Vineyards

Cover crops are an important vineyard floor management strategy. Topics covered include the benefits of using cover crops versus other floor management strategies

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