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Soil health in washington vineyards.

Soil Health in Washington Vineyards

Tracking soil health over time is an integral component of good vineyard management. Learn how to get started building and sustaining soil health in your operation

An economic analysis of three soil improvement practices in the columbia basin, washington state.

An Economic Analysis of Three Soil Improvement Practices in the Columbia Basin, Washington State

Compost, cover crops, or no-till/min-till? Get a cost and benefits comparison of all three in this publication

Acid soils how do they affect root disease?.

Acid soils: How do they interact with root diseases?

As soil acidification continues to be a concern for growers in the Pacific Northwest, WSU researchers are working to provide information and recommendations for how to mitigate adverse effects.

a person holding a soil probe towards the camera.

WSDA Soil Sampling Videos

Find videos about soil sampling created by the Washington Department of Agriculture.

How soil affects the activity and persistence of herbicides.

How Soil pH affects the Activity and Persistence of Herbicides (Soil Acidification Series)

This publication discusses how decreasing soil pH contributes to increased instances of herbicide persistence and categorizes commonly used herbicides

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