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High res farming under irrigation strip iii.

High Residue Farming Under Irrigation: Strip-till (5 in a series of 5)

High Residue Farming” is an umbrella term for cropping systems in which less tillage is used in order to keep crop residue on the surface of a field

Fertilizing farm with yard trimmings from landscape maintenance.

Fertilizing Farmland with Yard Trimmings from Landscape Maintenance

Yard trimmings are a beneficial soil amendment that supply plant nutrients and organic matter. They have been successfully used in the production of a variety of annual and perennial crops in Washington

Soil activity impacts beneficial soil microorganisms.

Soil Acidity Impacts Beneficial Soil Microorganisms (Soil Acidification Series)

Beneficial soil microorganisms are also absolutely critical to soil fertility and plant nutrition, but soil acidification in the Pacific Northwest threatens their effectiveness

A table summarizing the management practices used by dryland wheat growers

Soil management in Washington’s dryland wheat: survey responses

A new WSDA white paper sheds light on the “how and why” of soil management in Washington’s dryland wheat.

How soil affects the activity and persistence of herbicides.

How Soil pH affects the Activity and Persistence of Herbicides (Soil Acidification Series)

This publication discusses how decreasing soil pH contributes to increased instances of herbicide persistence and categorizes commonly used herbicides

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