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Agricultural land and liming part 2 laboratory testing to determine line requirements.

Agricultural Lime and Liming – Part 2. Laboratory testing to determine lime requirements (Soil Acidification Series)

Agricultural Lime and Liming is a three-part publication that introduces the basic principles of how and why calcareous amendments are land applied to elevate the pH of acid soils

Two Man on the Field

WSDA Soil Health Standard Operating Procedures

This document outlines the procedures used for the state of the soils assessment and general soil testing at WSDA.

A table summarizing the management practices used by dryland wheat growers

Soil management in Washington’s dryland wheat: survey responses

A new WSDA white paper sheds light on the “how and why” of soil management in Washington’s dryland wheat.

Biosolids in dryland cropping systems.

Biosolids in Dryland Cropping Systems

This publication reviews the long-term benefits of municipal biosolids applications on soil health in dryland cereal and pasture cropping systems east of the Cascades

Compost use for tree fruit.

Compost use for tree fruit

Compost can improve soil quality and nutrient, water, and pest regulation, but proper consideration is critical: in-depth exploration provided here

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